Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - The Central Women's Representative

Marga Faulstich Program


The HU's exclusive start-up program for women


The Marga Faulstich Program supports female students and scientists at Humboldt University Berlin in their innovative business projects.

The program is supervised by the team of the Central Women's Representative and the Startupservice (Service Center Research Humboldt University / Humboldt Innovation GmbH).

The the participants' ideas range from mental health apps to CO2 reduction hotels to alternative forms of therapy for refugees. Each year, up to 25 women are given the unique opportunity to participate in a diverse program over nine months. The Marga Faulstich Program includes workshops, mentoring with a successful business woman, one-on-one startup counseling, training, networking opportunities and pitch events.


The application call for 2023 has ended.

Program 2023


Interested Parties

Program Participants






Caroline Kunert

Project Coordinator Marga Faulstich-Programm

(030) - 2093-12835





Katja Brunner

Startupservice /Female Founders Expert

(030) 2093-46626



 Katharina Heinrich

 Startupservice/ Innovationsberaterin

 (030) - 2093-70765





We have set ourselves the goal of massively changing the startup ecosystem:

50.7% women in startups!

Join us: Post articles with the hashtags #50.7PercentFemStartups and #MargaFaulstichProgram on LinkedIn!