Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - The Central Women's Representative

Gender Equality Strategy

Caroline von Humboldt Programme

The Caroline von Humboldt Programme (CvH Programme) was designed as strategic gender equality concept for the entire Humboldt-Universität. It was named after the bright writer of letters, Salonière, patron, and wife of Wilhelm von Humboldt.

All gender equality measures of the university are concentrated and linked, regularly evaluated and developed under this roof.



The CvH Programme pursues five goals:
1. Recruitment

Female (early career) researchers are recruited at HU, in particular in fields in which they are underrepresented.


2. Empowerment

Strengthen your strengths. In this spirit, women on all career levels at HU are promoted to develop their full potential.


3. Communication

A communication strategy focused on equal opportunities serves to establish a culture of gender equality at HU.


4. Work-Life-Balance

HU wants to make it possible to reconcile family, study and work time regardless of a person’s sex or gender as a matter of course.


5. Organisation development

At HU, the establishment of gender equality is conceived as a cross-sectional task and organisation development and steering are organised accordingly.