Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - The Central Women's Representative

METIS - Gender Equality and Family Friendliness in Research Alliances






Metis is a website that provides advice on how to promote gender equality and family friendliness in research alliances at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. Named after ther Greek goddess of wise counsel, the website is regularly updated with news about upcoming equal opportunities events and showcases the work participating partners are doing towards gender equality and family friendliness. It also contains numerous suggestions for how researchers can make use of their research alliance's DFG gender equality funds.


Who is METIS made for?

The website is published solely in English and is aimed first and foremost at the members of the participating research alliances. However, it is also freely accessible to the rest of the academic community and the public - to female* researchers and researchers of the underrepresented genders who are pursuing an academic career, to parents who seek more balance between academia and their family life, to supervisors who are looking for inspiration for equal opportunities measures, and to everyone who is interested in gender studies and diversity.



The overarching goal of the information platform is to promote gender equality in academia and research at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. It's also hoped that the website will serve as a way to make equal opportunities offers in and around Berlin more visible, to preserve collective knowledge and ideas for gender equality activitis, and at the same time promote an exciting exchange among research alliances on the topics of gender equality and family friendliness.



METIS's main home is on the website In addition, you can stay updated via the newsletter - sign-up is available on the homepage.




Former Partners


Research Alliances related to Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin can participate. Please contact Dr. Henrike Voigtländer (METIS-Coordinator).

+49 30 2093-12836