Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - The Central Women's Representative

Family, Studies and Work

The HU Family Support Centre supports and advises you in all questions related to the care of family members.
What does work-life balance mean?

A balance between family- and work-life means for us to find a strategy to arrange work, family-time and classes in accord with each other. We try to answer the question of how a work-life-balance can be implemented at HU. Humboldt-Universität views the harmonisation of studies, work and family life as a central goal. The re-auditing of HU as a family-friendly university is one of the results.

We inform, advise and support you

The HU Family Support Centre supports and advises you in all questions related to the care of family members and the harmonization of work, studies and family life.

In order to improve the everyday life with children on campus, HU has made available a number of family rooms. Children, who come along to a lecture or a meeting, can borrow toy packs to pass the time. Humboldt-Universität’s daycare center (Kita) “Die Lupe” provides a number of places for children of university members.


Family-friendly HU

Employees at HU can organise their working hours flexibly thanks to the official agreement (“Dienstvereinbarung”) about flexitime. Employees can take up to ten days off in order to make caring or nursing arrangements for family members.

Academic employees (“wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiter_innen”) on temporal contracts can apply for a prolongation of their contract for the time of their maternity or parental leave. The Human Resource Department can provide more information about maternity leave and parental leave (“Mutterschutz” and “Elternzeit”).