Project Chancengleichheit Intersektional
Project website of the pilot project "Chancengleichheit Intersektional" ('equality opportunities intersectional')
Welcome on the project website for the project "Chancengleichheit Intersektional"!
The project "Chancengleichheit Intersektional" ('Equal Opportunities Intersectional') is a pilot project at the School of Business and Economics at Humboldt University in Berlin. It was implemented from 01.02.23-31.12.23. The project aims to sensitise members of the faculty to discriminatory structures, in particular intersectional discrimination within the faculty, but also in economics in general.
This is to be done with the help of workshops for staff and lecturers of the school and by establishing a toolbox. The associated Weblinks Collection serves as a point of contact for people who are in need of basic information, theories and concepts and who want to further explore the above-mentioned topics. A collection of counselling and support services also serves as a resource in the event of incidents of discrimination or sexualized violence.
In addition, scientists at all career levels are encouraged to network and empower each other in order to break down barriers for women in the economics field. A women*'s network will be established for this purpose, which will offer women* from the School of Business and Economics the space to network.
You can also find more information about the panel discussion on diversity in economics which happened on July 5th, 2023 under the section 'Panel Discussion on "Diversity in Economics: Perspectives from Science and Practice". A second panel discussion on the topic of "Equal Opportunities and Equality in Economics" took place on November 28th, 2023 and was held in English.
On the project description page you can learn more about the planned measures, goals and target groups. In the section "Contacts" you will find all important contact persons of the project.