Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - The Central Women's Representative

Mobbing and Stalking

In all cases of bullying and stalking, the Central Women's Representative is available to all HU members and HU visitors as a counselor and will advocate on your behalf.

What is Mobbing and Stalking?

Typically, mobbing is defined as conflict-laden communication or comportment that leaves the affected person in an inferior position or makes him or her feel inferior. This form of discrimination often happens systematically and repeatedly over a large period of time. Exclusion is one effect of mobbing. This definition also includes new forms of mobbing, such as cyber mobbing, for example.

  • Mobbing can manifest itself, for example, through systematic disinformation, slander, the spreading of rumours up to defamation.


The deliberate and repeated pursuit or harassment of a person is called stalking. The physical and psychological integrity of the affected person is harmed or threatened.

  • Stalking can be detected, for example, if a person contacts you or stays nearby repeatedly and without your consent.


We help you

If you have suffered from such an offense or know a third person who was affected, please contact us or the Women’s Representative in your faculty or institute. Your information will be handled confidentially and even anonymously, should you wish for it.

The General Equal Treatment Act (“AGG”) obliges HU to counteract mobbing. We encourage you to stand up and fight against every form of mobbing. Furthermore, we recommend documenting all incidents.


Accoring to §238 StGB (penal code), stalking is a pursuit and an offence. In case of an acute threat, please contact the police, the security officers at the university or an third support institution (information below).


In cases of mobbing and stalking, we, as Women’s Representatives, act in defence of the affected.



Other counseling services offered by Humboldt University:



HU Guideline and Agreement

HU protects all members and guest of the university with its guideline and agreement about interpersonal relations (“Richtlinie und Dienstvereinbarung für ein respektvolles Miteinander”). It sees to preventive action, the rights of the affected as well as measures and procedures in cases of conflict.