Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - The Central Women's Representative

FAQ: Promotion Offers for Postdocs

Who can apply?

Postdoc-Top-Position Fellowship:

HU faculties or institutes can apply together with a female postdoc who has recently completed her PhD thesis and is already setting up a new research project. The faculty or institute needs to co-finance the fellowship in order for the application to be successful.

Junior Professorships (W1):

Faculties and institutes can apply for these posts. The calls are directed to disciplines with a low percentage of women among professors and junior professors. In order for the application to be successful, the faculty or institute needs to finance a student assistant (41 hours per month) with their own means.

W2 Professorships:

See Junior Professorship (W1). In addition: a co-finance agreement from the faculty or institute guaranteeing to cover the amount (delta) between a W1 and a W2 position.

Vorgezogene Nachfolgeberufung (VNB):

Faculties and institutes can apply for a VNB and draw up a concept. HU applies for the position with the Berlin Equal Opportunities Programme for Female Researchers, Artists and Teachers in Higher Education ("Berliner Chancengleichheitsprogramm (BCP)"). Through VNB, professors covering the core elements of the respective discipline should be attracted to the university. In principle, VNB were created to increase the percentage of women among professors.


How are the positions remunerated?

The Postdoc-Top-Position Fellowship is a 50% TVL-13-Stelle position for a period of usually twelve months.

The Junior Professorship (W1) and the W2 Professorships are usually appointed for six or five years. There is an interim evaluation for Junior Professors after three years.

A “vorgezogene Nachfolgeberufung (VNB)” for a chair can be funded until the end of 2018. Expenses for additional personnel is possible as well as a post for a research assistant (“WiMi”). The latter needs to be applied for separately out of the Equal Opportunities Fund.


Which documents need to be included in the application?

Postdoc-Top-Position Fellowship:

1. The postdocs needs to hand in a draft of her research project, a CV, a list of publications and a simple copy of her PhD certificate

2. Statement by the department’s Women’s Representative

3. Statement by the person in whose field the postdoc will be employed

Junior Professorship (W1):

1. Recommendation for a job advertisement

2. Statement by the department’s Women’s Representative

3. Current equal opportunities concept of the institution

W2 Professorship:

See Junior Professorship and additional co-financing statement

"Vorgezogene Nachfolgeberufung":

1. Completed application form (available as soon as the call for applications is online) [in German]

2. Statement by the department’s Women’s Representative

3. Current equal opportunities concept of the institution


Where do I need to hand in my application documents?

The application documents need to be handed in electronically. The documents need to be saved in one PDF document. The subject line needs to state one of the following references:

"BCP Postdoc-Top-Position Fellowship"

"Antrag W1/W2-Professur"

"Vorgezogene Nachfolgeberufung"

Please send your application documents to:

Please address the application to:

Geschäftsstelle der KFF
Büro der zentralen Frauenbeauftragten
Unter den Linden 6
10099 Berlin

We will confirm the reception of your application documents.