humboldt chancengleich
The periodical "humboldt chancengleich" (hc) is THE publication on the topic of gender equality at HU for the entire university as well as beyond.
The Central Women's Representative's Journal
The journal hc is published once or twice a year, in spring and autumn. Every issue has a special focus. The periodical is distributed across the university. It is also available in the Central Women’s Representative’s office. You can order individual copies via email. "humboldt chancengleich" is free and can be downloaded here.
Focus of the December issue 2017:
"Frauen und Flucht - Vielfalt als Chance".
"humboldt chancengleich" download [in German]
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We welcome your reader‘s letters, criticism, praise and suggestions at any time.
Increasing the recognition and visibility of female academics. -
One goal of the gender equality strategy of the Caroline von Humboldt Programme |