The Coaches of the Marga Faulstich Program 2023

Katja Brunner (Startupservice der Humboldt Innovation GmbH)
Contact person startup service, pitch training, business models, funding programs
Katharina Heinrich (M.A. Media Management) worked as an innovation consultant and business designer before joining the Startupservice at Humboldt-Universität. With the help of her practical experience in the user-centered development of business models and her enthusiasm for the Berlin startup scene, she provides professional, methodical and practical support to people interested in founding a company at HU. She likes to get to the bottom of problems to identify strategic solutions, establish sustainable business models and empower new founders.
Workshops in the program:
- Design Thinking
- Business Model Development (Part I and II)

Katharina Heinrich (Startupservice der Humboldt Innovation GmbH)
Design Thinking, Business Models
Katharina Heinrich (M.A. Media Management) worked as an innovation consultant and business designer before joining the Startupservice at Humboldt-Universität. With the help of her practical experience in the user-centered development of business models and her enthusiasm for the Berlin startup scene, she provides professional, methodical, and practical support to those interested in starting a business at HU. She likes to get to the bottom of problems to identify strategic solutions, establish sustainable business models and empower new founders.
Workshops in the program:
- Design Thinking
- Business Model Development (Part I and II)

Dr. Irène Kilubi (Joint Generations)
Business consultant and industrial engineer
Dr. Irène Kilubi holds a doctorate in industrial engineering and is a management consultant. She has worked for well-known companies such as BMW, Deloitte, Siemens and Amazon. After many professional stations, she now follows her very personal passion and dedicates herself to the topics of community building, corporate influencer strategy with is JOINT GENERATIONS. She is also an Expert Advisor for the European Innovation Council Accelerator of the European Commission. Dr. Irène Kilubi is a university lecturer in Digital Marketing and Entrepreneurship and a sought-after keynote speaker and moderator at conferences and events.
Dr. Irène Kilubi was voted one of the top 10 experts* for brand communities in 2022 by w&v. She was named "Xing Top Mind 2020" in the Personal Branding and Marketing category and "Xing Top Mind 2022" in the Diversity category and is co-author of the double bestseller (Spiegel and manager magazin) "Future Republic" published in 2021. She has already received the XING NEW WORK Award 2021 twice for her social impact initiative JOINT GENERATIONS, 1st place in the Future Designs category and 2nd place in the Audience Award category, as well as 1st place in the Impact of Diversity Award in the Age Inclusion 2021 category. In addition, the entrepreneur was part of Strive Magazine's TOP 10 FEMALE BUSINESS INFLUENCER with a focus on "NEW WORK" in 2021.
Workshop in the program:
- All about personal branding

Louisa Wiethold (Equalista)
Co-Founder of Equalista
On the one hand, Equalista conveys a broad knowledge of gender equality with the Equalista-Coaching App and stimulates reflection and encourages change through practical approaches in everyday life.
On the other hand, it is important to the team to convey their founding experiences and new forms of business in the form of workshops & impulse lectures. The formats range from founding & identity to alternative business financing such as bootstrapping to mental load and calling in.
Because equality doesn't happen by magic.
Workshops in the program:
- Founding and Identity
- Founding without capital - Bootstrapping 101

Christina Lüdtke (DAB DigitalagenturBerlin GmbH)
Supporting Berlin companies with digitization
Christina Lüdtke holds a degree in social economics and studied media & communications, politics, economics and public law in Göttingen and Helsinki. After a PR traineeship, she gained experience in the private sector.
DigitalagenturBerlin is a central coordination office for the digitization of Berlin companies. The team is made up of experts and Berlin network partners.
Workshop in the program:
- IT security from the very beginning

Andrea Halmy (BeYourBest4Success)
Was heißt es Unternehmerin zu sein?, Wie weiter? - Durchhalten, wenn es mal nicht so läuft (Q&A), Mentorin
Andrea Halmy, founder and success coach at BeYourBest4Success, accompanies executives, entrepreneurs and startup founders. Among other things, she talks about the ideal images of an entrepreneur, the expectations of oneself and the pressure that arises from what entrepreneurship means and what success should look like.
Workshops in the program:
- Finding balance in self-employment
- Reflection: What next? Exchange round between participants and alumnae
- Founders among themselves - learning and growing together (alumnae and participants)

Ute Voormanns-Wolters (Jetzt rede ICH)
Speech and Voice, Confident Appearance and Presentation, Mentor
Ute Voormanns-Wolters, a business graduate and long-time manager in the IT industry, systemic coach, mentor and also certified horse-supported coach, has turned her passion for supporting women to successfully assert themselves with more ease in the male-dominated professional world into her profession.
Before she became self-employed, she had already been pursuing this passion in an 'honorary' capacity within the company for a good 12 years, managing the women's network in the Rhineland and working in parallel as a sidepreneur. So she understands well what moves female founders and how important a self-confident appearance is.
In addition to her individual coaching, she also teaches workshops on self-confidence at the Humboldt University in Berlin and in the curriculum of the Heinsberg district and the Catholic Forum in her extended local area (Heinsberg district and Mönchengladbach/Viersen). In addition, she is the 1st chairperson of 'Frauen machen Business e.V.', a network that promotes the interests of female entrepreneurs.
Workshop in the program:
- Group coaching alumae (self-confidence)

Peggy Kaas (PS: Kaas GmbH & Eventos SL)
Market analysis, mentor
Peggy Kaas has a wealth of experience as an entrepreneur, mentor, content creator and author that she has used to help her coachees for more than 10 years.
PS: Kaas offers intelligent experiential marketing activities. The team is composed of experts* in project management of events, conferences, exhibitions, roadshows, workshops and productions.
Workshops in the program:
- Market & Competitor Analysis
- Convincing selling

Kinga Bartczak (Unternehmerrebellen)
Successful Networking, Rock your Profile! Introductory course to Linkedin, Mentor
Kinga Bartczak studied literature and linguistics, is a certified systemic coach and founder and managing director of UnternehmerRebellen GmbH. As a Female Empowerment & Business Coach, she supports female professionals and executives as well as (aspiring) and existing female entrepreneurs on their professional and entrepreneurial path. As a certified LinkedIn trainer and networking expert, Kinga Bartczak supports women in building their individual personal brand and confidently navigating and networking in professional and entrepreneurial networks. Her motto: "We rise by lifting others."
Workshop in program:
- Successful networking

Ulrike Strauss (digitalitas)
Mindset, Online-Marketing, Mentor
Ulrike Strauss is a trainer and lecturer, online marketing expert and founder of Digitalitas. She supports freelancers and green professionals in successfully building their business. Her thematic focus is on online business/online marketing, agile working/methods/mindset as well as career orientation/networking/positioning.
Humor, fun and trust are especially important to her in the collaboration. Annika Backe-Dahmen (💚 Born to Brand 🔥 )
Marketing, Branding-communication, Mentor
The pure essence. Who are you? What do you want? I stand for getting to the core of personality and motivation. Analysis and communication, psychology and humor work in synthesis. Zoom in, focus. Zooming out, communicating. That's what it's all about. That is my passion. PhD in Classical Archaeology, I am used to making a whole out of fragments. As a PR passionista and motivational manager who now supports entrepreneurs, I found the commercial break on "Colt für alle Fälle" much more exciting than the actual show. And what about you? What do you think about every day - let's say - for 20 minutes at a time? Because YOU want to, because it feels GOOD to you, is a natural pursuit that comes to you effortlessly? Look, because that's where the key to what drives you lies. I am driven by the desire to optimize the existing, to accompany sympathetic founders and experts, to pass on experiences, to put ideas into practice, to make a brand out of people. And to win over exactly the right customers with a sparkling branding, a precisely tailored marketing mix and authentic acquisition.
It's that easy. It's that simple. 💚
Workshop in the program:
- Corporate identity Renate Weisse (Patentanwaltskanzlei Weisse)
The 1x1 of trademark and patent registration
Dr. Renate Weisse is a physicist and patent attorney with her own office in Berlin. She is the third generation of her family to represent national and international clients before patent and trademark offices and courts in all matters of intellectual property. In addition to filing and representing patents, she is also active in trademark and design matters and advises a wide variety of start-ups and medium-sized companies on whether and when to file IP applications. As a lecturer at the Beuth University of Applied Sciences, she gives lectures on intellectual property rights, informs young girls about the profession of patent attorney on Girls Day, and regularly gives lectures at universities, companies and research institutes. As an expert in the legal committee of the German Bundestag, she accompanied the legislative process to modernize patent law. She lives in Potsdam and has three children.
Workshop in the program:
- The 101 of trademark and patent registration

Sebastian Schwenke (Business Angels Club Berlin-Brandenburg e.V.)
How to find, win and work with a Business Angel
Sebastian gained early experience in project development and project management in the real estate industry and was responsible for the development of the gastronomy and event area in the family-run boutique hotel "Landhaus Himmelpfort am See". Here, he is still responsible for controlling and financial planning as part of the management team.In addition, Sebastian brings startup experience from his own company foundation in the culture and events sector. Since 2018, he has been a member of the investment committee of BACB Bet. mbH and occasionally active as an early-stage investor at FOBS Bet. mbH. Since February 2021, he has been the managing director of the Business Angel Club Berlin-Brandenburg e.V. and in this capacity connects startups, business angels and network partners in the Berlin/Brandenburg metropolitan region.
Workshop in the program:
- How to find, win and work with a business angel & preparation pitch market/competition analysis.
Stefanie Strümpfler (Lawyer and specialist in commercial and corporate law)
Finding the right form of business
Workshop in the programm:
- Finding the right legal form and the legal framework in entrepreneurship
Susanne Girrbach (Girrbach Tax consultancy)
Taxes and foundation
Workshop in the program:
- Everything about taxes and foundation
Thorsten Jahnke (Social Impact Lab Potsdam)
Social Entrepreneurship und Social Impact
Bettine Schmitz (AUXXO)
Auxxo Female Catalyst Fund
Workshop in the program:
- Q&A mit AUXXO & successful networking
Maria Mpalaoura (commit'ad)
Workshop in the program:
- Convincing playfully
Jennifer von Rymon-Lipinski
Workshops in the program:
- Develop a strong mindset
We have set ourselves the goal of massively changing the startup ecosystem:
50.7% share of women in startups!
Join in: Post items with the hashtags #50.7PercentFemStartups and #MargaFaulstichProgram on LinkedIn!