Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - The Central Women's Representative


You can download all publications from the different fields of the Central Women’s Representative here.

Periodical "humboldt chancengleich"

The periodical "humboldt chancengleich" (hc) is THE publication on the topic of gender equality at HU for the entire university as well as beyond.


Exhibition Catalogue "Frauen in Bewegung" ("Women in Action")

The extended book published in the context of the above named exhibition is available in the Central Women’s Representative’s office.

Other individual publications

One-off publications by the Central Women’s Representative, reports that point the way ahead as well as brochures of feminist and gender equality networks are on offer here.

Accountability reports

The Central Women’s Representative informs the university regularly about strategic and operative developments in the fields of gender equality as well as life-work balance (family, work and academic education)



On a regular basis, short collections of event-related speeches are published, e.g. the ones held at the award ceremony of the Caroline von Humboldt Professorship and the unveiling of the Lise Meitner Memorial.