Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Family Support Centre

Studying and Caring for Relatives

Caring for a relative brings a multitude of changes to personal living situations which are often difficult to cope with. Physical and mental stress and learning nursing skills are one aspect, and clashes with your own life plans are another.

Reconciling family responsibilities with a career or studies is an organizational and emotional challenge. Humboldt-Universität reacts to this special situation with flexible solutions for students or employees who care for relatives.

The Family Support Centre offers counselling and information to employees and students who are looking after a relative or will be in the future.

With regards to study organization the same regulations apply for students who take care of relatives and students with children. The compensation for disadvantage (Nachteilsausgleich) applies in the same way. More information on this can be found under “Study Organization”.

Caring for a close relative can also constitute a reason for a leave of absence (Beurlaubungssemester) or studying part-time (Teilzeitstudium).

Caring for a relative can also be considered a case of hardship (Härtefall) for the application.



The Family Service Centre informs and supports students with questions regarding care, with a focus on flexible study organization. Concrete questions about the organization of care services can be discussed with one of the Berliner Pflegestützpunkte.