Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Family Support Centre

PhD and Family

Many doctoral students face the challenge of balancing their PhD work with their family life. The widely varying circumstances of doctoral students – whether they are doing their doctorate with or without an employment contract, with or without a scholarship, in a structured programme or independently – have an impact on the family provisions and benefits that are available to them. If you are employed while doing your doctorate, please see the information provided in the “Family and Career” section of this website; if you have student status, please see the “Family and Studies” section of this website.

We recommend a coming in for an individual counselling session to clear up any questions you might have about balancing your doctoral work with your familial responsibilities. You are welcome to come in during the Family Support Centre’s regular office hours or schedule an individual appointment.

We offer you advice on the following and other topics:

• Organising your studies
• Childcare, including during conferences or conventions
• Time limits
• The impact of taking parental leave on scholarships
• Conflicts with your advisor
• Maternity protection (Mutterschutz)
• Parental leave and parental benefit payments (Elternzeit and Elterngeld)
• International visiting academics

We can also refer you to other counselling services or information centres both at the HU and outside the HU if necessary.



Rechtsratgeber Vereinbarkeit von Familie und wissenschaftlicher Qualifizierung (GEW Gewerkschaft Erziehung und Wissenschaft) (PDF)

Webseite der Gewerkschaft Erziehung und Wissenschaft zur Promotion

Broschüre Vereinbarkeit von Promotion und Familie der HGS (PDF)