Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - The Central Women's Representative

Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin | Gremien & Beauftragte, Wichtige Dokumente | The Central Women's Representative | Promotion | Female Doctoral Candidates | Family-friendly conditions and gender equality for the promotion of early career researchers

Family-friendly conditions and gender equality for the promotion of early career researchers

Family planning can be a substantial challenge, in particular during the PhD phase or in the transition to the postdoc phase. It can appear difficult to reconcile the various areas and interests when career development and family formation intersect.

HU has made it one of its goals to further equal opportunities for women and men in the field of the promotion of early career researchers. HU wants to establish family-friendly working conditions for all researchers. GeCo - GenderConsulting, a service provided by the Central Women’s Representative, offers counselling and advice to male and female doctoral candidates at the Humboldt Graduate School. (HGS)

  • Initial information about writing a PhD whilst having or starting a family as well as information about further counselling institutions, e.g. the Family Support Centre
  • Information about networks and networtking: how to network successfully to actively pursue career paths, matching (mini networks at HGS)
  • Information about gender competencies: gender-specific behaviour and action patterns
  • General information about gender equality and family-friendly measures at HU



Violetta Sekulovic
Humboldt Graduate School Luisenstr. 56, R. 326
Please mail us:

The counselling can take place via Email, over the phone or in person (please make an appointment). All conversations are confidential.